Privacy Policy May 2018

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25, 2018.


We will reply to your contact details by either sending you a return email or a phone call, which is part of our service to confirm your booking. We may also send you updates about any offers we may have at time to time and services that can help you with your advert design decisions – big or small.


We will also contact you regarding ongoing advertising in the magazine on a

bi-monthly rota in line with the publishing dates.


If you choose to continue hearing from us, we won’t bombard you with messages. And it’s easy to opt out at anytime in the future if you want to by dropping me an email


We promise we will not to share your details with any third party for any reason without your express permission.


Your data will be kept safe and secure for as long as necessary or according to your instructions.









May/June 2024 issue

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